Thursday, December 28, 2006

Rocky Balboa Christian Resources?

Last year I put together an event at my church to go see "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe." I found all kinds of materials off the web and through the mail. For the last year I've received materials related to some other movies. I expected the stuff for "Charlotte's Web" since it was put out by Walden Media (same folks that did Narnia). But I wasn't expecting what I received in the mail yesterday, a DVD of resources for Christian leaders related to the new movie "Rocky Balboa." I was interested to see this latest Rocky film, but figured I'd wait for the DVD (I don't get to go to the movies much anyway). Now, I'm really curious. I hadn't heard about Christian angles in this film yet. I had heard good things about it, but this is a new one to me. I really enjoy looking for Christian angles in films. Over the last year I felt that both "Cars" and "Superman Returns" had some great potential for messages. During our regular devotional time here at One Way Street, some of our staff have been sharing Christian messages they've gotten from movies. We've had everything from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" to "Babette's Feast" used. If anyone has seen "Rocky Balboa" I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

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