Thursday, March 01, 2007

Children's Pastor's Conference - San Diego

Well, I've been a bad blogger lately. Things have been crazy and I haven't had the chance to blog. But, now I've got something cool to blog about...having just returned from the Children's Pastor's Conference in San Diego. CPC is an amazing event! If you are involved in ministry to children then you really should try to get there. Here's a few photo highlights from my trip:

Here are three of my favorite cool people...Gospel illusionists Teesha and David Laflin, and songwriter extraordinaire Alan Root One of the things I enjoy most about going to CPC is getting to visit with friends. These are three friends I always look forward to seeing.

The folks from Speed Stacks are always a blast! Sport stacking is an awesome activity for kids and adults. We see the Speed Stacks folks quite a lot here at One Way Street. Their office is close t ours, we sell some of their products, and they often use our facility to practice their teams. Lately they've been practicing for an NBA half-time show after hours here at One Way Street.

Will the real Squonk please stand-up? On the first day of the conference Alan Root saw me approaching from a distance and said "Hi Ryan!" He mistook me for Ryan Frank, one of the board members of INCM (the organization that puts on the conference). I suggested that Ryan and I switch nametags one day. That would mean I would get to sit up front with the board members at dinner!! He didn't go for that suggestion.

Here's Karl Bastian, the man behind the Kidology web site. That's our new Merle the Mule puppet he's posing with. Didn't know mules had a taste for duck, did ya.

Here's Jerry Storz at the Kids at Heart booth. Jerry's a cool guy because he loves children's ministry and besides he took me out for cheesecake and gave me a can of Pringles. Such a groovy guy!

Argh! That scallywag be Dave Privett from PlaySoup.

Another good friend, Norm Hewitt, was at CPC with his new Believer's Bayou products. Norm's going to be at I-Fest this summer!

Here's the finest ventriloquist in the world (IMHO)...not me...the guy on left, Dennis Lee from Nana Puddin' Productions. Dennis is another one of our features guests at I-Fest this summer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pics of CPC San Diego! It's neat to find other blogs that featured the makes me wonder if we passed by each other with our cameras LOL. Anyway, God bless you and feel free to drop by my site sometime. Maybe we'll bump into each other in '08!
