Sunday, October 05, 2008

Kidology U

This weekend I got to back to my "sweet home Chicago," to be a part of the 10th anniversary Kidology U conference. It was fun to be a part of this event for the first time, and to get to visit some family in the process. Karl Bastian and the gang and Kidology have a great passion for kids ministry and for equipping other children's pastors. Here's a few photo highlights.

My friend Alan Root took care of the praise and worship duties. You know that part in the Bible where it says to "always be joyful," Alan's got that verse nailed. He's one of the happiest guys I know.

Karl Bastian is the brain trust behind Here he is during the opening session. His workshop that was to follow had a cooking theme, thus the outfit.

The first two days of the conference featured some intensive leadership labs. I can't think of anyone better suited for teaching those kind of classes than the man you see pictured above... Bro Jim Wideman!

A highlight of the conference for me was finally getting to see a Kidz Blitz event in person. It was slightly different than the real thing since it was pretty much an all adult Kidz Blitz, but it was still pretty wild. Above is Roger Fields, the man behind Kidz Blitz.

Here's Karl Bastian competing against his sister in the donut eating challenge at Kidz Blitz. You're supposed to eat the donut off the hook while blindfolded without it falling off. But, after starting, Roger Fields had Karl's sister remove her blindfold and take the donut off the hook...unknown to Karl.

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