Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kung-Fu Election

I was never very good at games like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, but there's now a chance for me to improve my video games skills and celebrate our electoral process all at once. Behold...Kung-Fu Election! This fighting game has you battling various candidates. You can play as John McCain, Cindy McCain or Sarah Palin on the right or Barack Obama, Michelle Obama or Joe Biden on the left. They all have certain weapons and special attacks, I especially like Biden's special attace which he blasts from his mouth in the form of feet (he has put his foot in his mouth many times). I actually did quite well as Palin, defeating Michelle, Biden and Hillary Clinton (who's special attack is to have Bill Clinton come and punch you a few times). But I was defeated by Barack.

It's fun to play, but I could do without the Mortal Kombat style arterial spurt. Check it out here:

Kung-Fu Election

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