Well, I've been blogging here at Blogger for a few years, sometimes with more frequency than others. Lately I haven't been so good, sorry.
Anyhow, I've started a blog for work through Wordpress, and since I'm enjoying working with it better, I've decided to switch my personal blog over to Wordpress.
You can now find me at www.squonkblog.wordpress.com
First of all, thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for investing in children through childrens ministers by blogging about your experiences on Squonk, and sharing your learnings openly.
Please know how incredible this is. And be encouraged to keep going.
I hope and pray that even more childrens ministers will be inspired, find solutions to their struggles, will be encouraged not to stop serving, and be inspired to grow their gifts.
We recognize that these are incredible times to live in, where technology allows childrens ministers around the world to encourage each other. As for ourselves, we use technology to reach out to children globally as well.
We’re developing the world’s first videogame that takes kids through the Bible from beginning to end. Our hope is to increase the love for God’s Word amongst kids.
We dream to see fathers and sons going through the Bible together, having fun as they become part of David’s army, spend time in the fish as Jonah, and play level after level, leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection.
In order to steward this immense project well, we’re building relationships with childrens ministers like you. You know the kids in your community. We like to ask your input by allowing you to look behind the scenes, have your kids/families play demo game levels before they go public, etc. You may also recommend a few people you think would be of interest.
Additionally, we can provide you with plenty of interesting “blog-food” (concept art, images, etc) if you feel that this could benefit your subscribers.
If you’d like more information, shoot me a quick reply to the email address below.
connect (at) tornadotwins (dot) com